As I've mentioned a butt-billion times on this blog, I work at the Center for Cartoon Studies, and I LOVE IT! Next week is our Spring Break, and I can tell that our wide-eyed, bushy-tailed cartoonists desperately need some time off! When I think of spring break, I think of beaches, sun, etc. I thought I would take a u-turn from that line of thinking, and share a photo of some pinball-themed gingerbread houses I made last December! That will chill you to the bone! Ha ha!
Also, in related pinball news,
this article/comic about pinball came across my digital desk the other day. It's a great piece by Greg Stump that shows off some classic machines and some classic pinhalls! What I REALLY admire here is how Greg draws pinball machines. I worry that sometimes I draw them TOO exactly and take all the magic out of them. To the people that love pinball, those machines aren't just a weird-shaped box of wood with mechanics inside; they're magical pieces of art. I should take a page from the Greg Stump book!