Saturday, March 24, 2012

Ryan Claytor's First Pinball Machine!

Our pal Ryan Claytor, just put up a great blog post about getting his very first pinball machine: a Williams 1990 Whirlwind!  Here is the man and his machine:

While emailing with Ryan, he told me that he specifically sought out this machine and waited until he found one.  I think that's awesome.  Jon and I bought whatever machines came our way (which has worked out quite well for us...) but I think on my next machine, I'll wait until I find the one I want.  If I could have my druthers, it would be a Star Wars Epsiode I pinball 2000 machine.  But any hunting will have to wait!  I'm getting ready for a cross country move, and it's going to be hard enough to move one pinball machine, without having to worry about more.  

Anyway, congratulations Ryan!  We'll be watching your blog to see your new high scores and any repairs and/or refurbishments.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome. Thanks for the write-up, Alec. You and Jon should be pretty darn proud of your machines that "just came your way." Ha-ha! Still cracks me up to hear either of you say that, as you both have some really coveted pins. Anyhow, thanks for sending people my way, and as always, keep up the fantastic work on Drop Target!!!

    3 Cheers for Jon and Alec! Pin-Pin-HOORAY!!!

    Ryan Claytor
    Elephant Eater Comics
